Input and Output

Problem Statement

For any program that we write the basic things that we need to do is take the input and print the expected output.

In C++ you can take the input using cin and print the output using cout.Unlike C where you need the format specifier in printf and scanf, here you can use cin and cout.

Taking Input:

If you want to input a number: cin>>n ,  where n is the number.
If you want to input a number and a string: cin>>n>>s, where s is the string.

Printing output:

If you want to output a single number: cout<<n
If you want to output a number and a string separated by a new line: cout<<n<<endl<<s (where endl moves the pinter to the new line and then string gets printed.)

Take three numbers as inputs and print the sum of the three numbers.

Input Format

The first line of the input contains three integers A,B and C.


Output Format

In a single line print the sum of the three numbers.

Sample Input

1 2 7

Sample Output



Sum of the three numbers 1,2 and 7 is 10.


#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    /* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT */
    int a,b,c;
    return 0;

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