Delete a Node

Problem Statement

This challenge is part of a tutorial track by MyCodeSchool and is accompanied by a video lesson.

You’re given the pointer to the head node of a linked list and the position of a node to delete. Delete the node at the given position and return the head node. A position of 0 indicates head, a position of 1 indicates one node away from the head and so on. The list may become empty after you delete the node.

Input Format
You have to complete the Node* Delete(Node* head, int position) method which takes two arguments – the head of the linked list and the position of the node to delete. You should NOT read any input from stdin/console. position will always be at least 0 and less than the number of the elements in the list.

Output Format
Delete the node at the given position and return the head of the updated linked list. Do NOT print anything to stdout/console.

Sample Input

1 –> 2 –> 3 –> NULL, position = 0
1 –> NULL , position = 0

Sample Output

2 --> 3 --> NULL

1. 0th position is removed, 1 is deleted from the list.
2. Again 0th position is deleted and we are left with empty list.


  Delete Node at a given position in a linked list 
  Node is defined as 
  struct Node
     int data;
     struct Node *next;
Node* Delete(Node *head, int position)
  // Complete this method
    Node *  temp = head, *prev;
    if(position == 0){
        temp= head->next;
        return temp;
        free (temp);
        return head;

Insert a node at a specific position in a linked list

Problem Statement

This challenge is part of a tutorial track by MyCodeSchool and is accompanied by a video lesson.

You’re given the pointer to the head node of a linked list, an integer to add to the list and the position at which the integer must be inserted. Create a new node with the given integer, insert this node at the desired position and return the head node. A position of 0 indicates head, a position of 1 indicates one node away from the head and so on. The head pointer given may be null meaning that the initial list is empty.

Input Format
You have to complete the Node* Insert(Node* head, int data, int position) method which takes three arguments – the head of the linked list, the integer to insert and the position at which the integer must be inserted. You should NOT read any input from stdin/console. position will always be between 0 and the number of the elements in the list (inclusive).

Output Format
Insert the new node at the desired position and return the head of the updated linked list. Do NOT print anything to stdout/console.

Sample Input

NULL, data = 3, position = 0
3 –> NULL, data = 4, position = 0

Sample Output

3 --> NULL
4 --> 3 --> NULL

1. we have an empty list and position 0. 3 becomes head.
2. 4 is added to position 0, hence 4 becomes head.

For the purpose of evaluation the list has been initialised with a node with data=2. Ignore it, this is done to avoid printing empty lists while comparing output.


  Insert Node at a given position in a linked list 
  The linked list will not be empty and position will always be valid
  First element in the linked list is at position 0
  Node is defined as 
  struct Node
     int data;
     struct Node *next;
Node* InsertNth(Node *head, int data, int position)
  // Complete this method only
  // Do not write main function.
    Node * newnode = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
    Node *temp=head,*prev;
        return head;
        return head;

Insert a node at the tail of a linked list

Problem Statement

This challenge is part of a tutorial track by MyCodeSchool and is accompanied by a video lesson.

You’re given the pointer to the head node of a linked list and an integer to add to the list. Create a new node with the given integer, insert this node at the tail of the linked list and return the head node. The head pointer given may be null meaning that the initial list is empty.

Input Format
You have to complete the Node* Insert(Node* head, int data) method which takes two arguments – the head of the linked list and the integer to insert. You should NOT read any input from stdin/console.

Output Format
Insert the new node at the tail and just return the head of the updated linked list. Do NOT print anything to stdout/console.

Sample Input

NULL, data = 2
2 –> NULL, data = 3

Sample Output

2 -->NULL
2 --> 3 --> NULL

1. We have an empty list and we insert 2.
2. We have 2 in the tail, when 3 is inserted 3 becomes the tail.


  Insert Node at the end of a linked list 
  head pointer input could be NULL as well for empty list
  Node is defined as 
  struct Node
     int data;
     struct Node *next;
Node* Insert(Node *head,int data)
  // Complete this method
    Node *temp = head;
    Node *newnode = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
    newnode->data = data;
    newnode->next = NULL;
        head= newnode;
        return head;
    else {
        while (temp->next!= NULL)
            temp = temp->next;
        return head;

Print the elements of a linked list

Problem Statement

This challenge is part of a tutorial track by MyCodeSchool and is accompanied by a video lesson.

If you’re new to working with linked lists, this is a great exercise to get familiar with them. You’re given the pointer to the head node of a linked list and you need to print all its elements in order, one element per line. The head pointer may be null, i.e., it may be an empty list. In that case, don’t print anything!

Input Format
You have to complete the void Print(Node* head) method which takes one argument – the head of the linked list. You should NOT read any input from stdin/console. There are multiple test cases. For each test case, this method will be called individually.

Output Format
Print the elements of the linked list to stdout/console (using printf or cout) , one per line.

Sample Input


Sample Output



For first case, an empty list is passed to the method. So nothing is printed. For second case, all the elements of the linked list (1, 2 and 3) are printed in separate lines.


  Print elements of a linked list on console 
  head pointer input could be NULL as well for empty list
  Node is defined as 
  struct Node
     int data;
     struct Node *next;
void Print(Node *head)
  // This is a "method-only" submission. 
  // You only need to complete this method.
            while(head!= NULL){
            cout<< head->data<<endl;