Update setuptools in python

If package installation returns the following error:

python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/xyz moduleName/

Use the below command to get the things working:

pip install --upgrade setuptools --user python

Using the --user python flag will resolve the error in --upgrade flag .

If you are using python3:

pip3 install --upgrade setuptools --user python


Ubuntu Snipping Tool

Unlike Windows, Ubuntu has a snipping tool of it’s own.

It’s named as gnome-screenshot.

Have a look at Screenshot. You can find it in Ubuntu Software.


However, there’s also a shortcut key associated in Ubuntu for taking snippets.

Hold down the Shift + PrtScn keys together.

Your mouse will change to a cross-like pointer.
Hold down your left-click key on the mouse and drag.

This uses gnome-screenshot behind the scenes.

You can change the keyboard shortcut via the regular keyboard settings.

STS on Ubuntu launchbar

  1. Open a text editor
  2. Copy and paste the following text into the editor:
    [Desktop Entry]
    Comment=Java IDE<br>Type=Application
  3. Update any paths if you extracted Eclipse to a different location
  4. Save the file as eclipse.desktop in /home/{username}/.local/share/applications/
  5. Reboot your machine
  6. Search for Eclipse
  7. Drag and drop the Eclipse icon to the launcher