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(ˢᵒᶜⁱᵉᵗʸserver) aims to be a platform for developing collaborative applications.
sTeam server project repository: sTeam.
Let the Coding Begin…!!!
Finally May 23, 2016 sets in.
The paths of glory lead but to the grave.-Thomas Gray
The path of the GSOC journey is a bed of thorns and roses.
The community bonding period has elapsed and the real GSOC journey begins
The community bonding period has lead to some real constructive work been done in the project.
The installation and deployment of the sTeam was largely dependent on the linux environment. This was a major hurdle for the development process.
Also the installation process of the sTeam project was quite cumbersome. These had to be improved.
The community bonding period was spent in addressing these issues.
For simplying the installation process I began with the creation of the .deb package. There was a .deb package for the earlier versions of sTeam. The .deb package was made to incorporate the new changes.
Finally a decision was made to rename the sTeam package to societyserver.
This renaming has lead to several deb source config issues in the package.
These issue’s will be addressed during the later part of the Summer.
In order to facilitate development in all the environments and give the user the ease from the cumbersome installation steps a docker image was made for the sTeam project.
This docker image contains all the necessary dependencies to start the sTeam server.
It also includes the sTeam UI and the Rest API along with it’s dependencies. These have already been installed and developer can start collaborating to it.
The docker image can be found at :
It has all the necessary information for it’s usage and installation.
The community bonding period also included in me exploring the import and export from git commands, the usage of steam-shell, resolution of some minor bugs in it, integrating the steam-shell in vi. This period also witnessed me getting hands on with the other repositories of the
The repositories which were analyzed and explored include :-
So having formed a strong bond during this period, the real showdown begins from May 23, 2016.
The coding period has began, and the time to put words into action has come….
Happy Summer GSOC’ers 🙂
Talk is Cheap, Show me the code !!!