Asian Population

Problem Statement

Given two tables, City and Country whose descriptions are given below. Find the sum of population of all the Cities that lies in “Asia” continent.


| Field       | Type     |
| ID          | int(11)  |
| Name        | char(35) |
| CountryCode | char(3)  |
| District    | char(20) |
| Population  | int(11)  |


| Field          | Type        |
| Code           | char(3)     |
| Name           | char(52)    |
| Continent      | char(50)    |
| Region         | char(26)    |
| SurfaceArea    | float(10,2) |
| IndepYear      | smallint(6) |
| Population     | int(11)     |
| LifeExpectancy | float(3,1)  |
| GNP            | float(10,2) |
| GNPOld         | float(10,2) |
| LocalName      | char(45)    |
| GovernmentForm | char(45)    |
| HeadOfState    | char(60)    |
| Capital        | int(11)     |
| Code2          | char(2)     |

PS: City.CountryCode and Country.Code is same key.


Select sum(City.Population) from City Inner Join Country ON City.CountryCode = Country.Code and Continent='Asia';

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